Cartri from Brazil provides "Mac Edition" BIOSes for Gigabite P43/P45 motherboards with a patched DSDT.MaciASL Native ACPI Machine Language IDE for OS X - Sourceforge.Open up your DSDT.aml in your editor of your choice. Iaslme Drag/Drop GUI for decompiler iasl - InsanelyMac This DSDT will enable you to swap any of your SATA drives under Mac OS X.DSDT Patcher, a tool to fix your DSDT - InsanelyMac.The upside to this can be that you wont possess to study specific program. So you will require to unzip it and put together it. If so, press 'Fix Errors.' Once it's finished, you have your DSDT. If you do download a file from the globe wide web, it will almost all likely be a pressurized.asl document. Once the window pops up, there may be a few errors. After a few seconds, navigate to IASL -> Compile. Dsdt Editor Mac Download Windows 10 Dsdt Hackintosh DSDT.aml (Differentiated System Description Table) is a file used to tell OS X how to locate and enable features of your computer mainboard without checking of BIOS. Once the patch window pops up, press Apply. Navigate to Patch -> Open, and choose the patch that you downloaded for your motherboard.

A large collection of patches are available here: DSDT motherboard patches Assuming you followed the steps above to extract the DSDT from your BIOS, now we are going to apply the patch. Having a patch for your motherboard is essential to create your own DSDT, if you couldn't find one online. After 2-15 seconds, your DSDT should appear on the screen. Once you have downloaded DSDT Editor, open it and press File -> Extract DSDT. One of the simplest ways to extract your DSDT from your BIOS is by using DSDT Editor.